About Us

SearchAdda24 is an educational blogger site, it is helping to aspirant in theirs preparation for competitive exam by Free PDF study material, free online test, free online test series, Career counseling, providing information related to new jobs etc.
It is mainly helping Graduate Engineers, who have passion about government’s jobs and want to become a government employee.
It is a free learning site for all age group of students. It operates with a
motto of sharing all type of education related information, various
subject topics, Questions and Answers, Various competitive exams
previous years question papers etc., that is useful for all students.
Content on this education portal is collected from different sources through Internet and off-line sources. We tried our best to provide our visitors accurate and complete reliable information. But if there is any mistake in content author will not be responsible for it. All information is useful and relevant to academic careers.
If anyone gets any doubt or get any wrong information in this site, please inform it by comment box bellow the post or by sending a mail to, searchadda24@gmail.com
As, all the data is collected from lots of books and others source. Search Adda assumes no liability for disputes regarding ownership, copyright, or trademarks of the data submitted to this site. If you find any information that is owned by you (invented by you) or any content that violates your intellectual property rights, please contact on  searchadda24@gmail.com with all necessary documents/information that authenticate your authority on your property.